Friday, November 17, 2023

Song(s) of the Day # 3,563 Daneshevskaya


Ooh this is rather nice. Enchanting. Female solo artists are so ten a penny these days that it's probably a good thing for them to try to differentiate themselves from one another if they can.

New York's Anna Beckerman, who trades as Daneshevskaya makes a concerted effort to stand apart. Debut album Long is the Tunnel finds her drawing on her Russian background to similar, impressive effective as Regina Spektor drew on hers all those years back. 

Long is the Tunnel, (hey she might just be talking about life folks), was wonderful company just now, on a Friday morning in November morning as the sun attempted to make its presence felt in murky and sullen heavens. 

Beckerman has a fragile but resolute determintion. The manner of the music is Folky but also has a Poppy/ Like Spektor ahe's not one to be easily content. These are songs with resonance and substance

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