Sunday, November 19, 2023

Frog - GROG


I've written about Frog, a duo from Queens in New York City before. I'll write about them again here. They have a new album out called GROG, which confirms them in my ears as one of the most interesting musical outfits on God's earth just now.

Frog's two members brothers Danny and Steve Bateman are slightly intense, bespectacled brothers who you wouldn't give a second look if they were sitting opposite you on your commuter ride home. They make a really special sound that draws on any number of sources and comes out sounding not quite like anything else.

As I said,  I've written about them previously, on the occasion of 2019's Count Bateman, GROG should further enhance their community. They're Soulful. I was strangely reminded of Curtis Mayfield at points and that doesn'r happen very often with essentially Indie concerns.

They certainly don't make you think ah Pavement. Or Arcade Fire. Or Modest Mouse. Vampire Weekend. Or, well. Any of the usual supects really. They can sound a bit nerdy on occasion, the teeniest bit They Might Be Giants but hey that's not a crime. They go a little Steely Dan too. They try to change and not do one thing for very long.Each song sounds nothing like the last. Their fussiness and constant motion is definitely an asset on GROG.

They're a band whose moment might well have come. This is a record that definitely would have made my end of year list,but hey, it's too late to start messing with all of that at the late stage. As for the Butthole Surfers song U Shud Go 2 Me. Well you really need to hear that for yourself. 

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