Thursday, November 16, 2023

Song(s) of the Day # 3,562 The Clockworks


Galways raised, London-based Clockworks come on like an old school teenage/ early twenties gang on debut album Exit Strategy. They're pictured in one of the promotional shots for the record standing with surly, rebellious stances adn looks on their faces in front of the Hornsey Road Laundry.

This is completely time honoured. They're at the end of a long line. We've seen hundreds of these kind if photos; Beatles, Stones, Animals, Pistols, Clash, Rats, Undertones, Smiths et al. Heard many of these records too. All they have to  combat the incoming tide of the cruel world is their guitars.

 Exit Strategy does its job well though ir's slightly one note. Its no ta million miles away from the first Fontaine's D.C. record but its prose is plainer. I enjoyed it. It's a solid, unpretentious document of how your teenage years are not necessarily the best years if our lives no matter how much we kid ourselves they are afterwards.Of how much yoy already actually know at that age.

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