Saturday, November 11, 2023

Song(s) of the Day # 3,557 Brian Lopez


Brian Lopez is from Tuscpn, Arizona. He Looks a bit like an American musician of the classic stripe.. A great curly mop of hair. Dylan in his Wild Mercury sound years, Tim Buckley. That bloke in the Dandy Warhols with the big mop of curly hair. I'm being flippant.

Lopez actually describes himself as Mexican American. You can tell why this is an importnt distinction just by listening to his music. Latest album TIDAL, (and he has a few under the belt), makes you feel like your sitting in a cantina in Tuscon on a balmy sunny day, listening to this playing over the sound system, wiping the sweat from your tequila.

TIDAL has genuine mariachi flair. An acoustic guitar centre stage. A Mexican accordion. In the words of Stewart Lee, who always puts these things well;' back and forth between Anglo Baroque pop, Colombian folk and western waltzes.'

There's a beauty and poise here which I would suggest may be exactly what you need. Especially if you're in the UK as I am. With the skies darkening and the nights drawing in. This will take you off on a well deserved holoday in the sun. To a place where the desrt and its noble cacti are just a short drive away. Quality.

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