Thursday, November 16, 2023

Albums of the Year # 40 Mega Bog - End Of Everything


And, like buses, so's the case with slightly loopy Folk ladies. No sooner has one arrived than another is looming on the horizon. This time Mega Bog, who are back with their latest, End Of Everything.

Mega Bog are American and their name to English ears sounds rather unfortunate. A 'bog' to us is, among other things a toilet, private or public. So whenever I think of them I immediately also think of a large public lavatory, probably in an enormous mall. Like I said, it's a bit unfortunate, but probably only for my tawdry, small mind.

Mega Bug themselves are anything but tawdry. They, or more specifically, their leader and focal point, Erin Elizabeth Birgy, can be quite extraordinary and have been, at least since I discovered them personally a few years back. 

Birgy has a wonderful voice. There's something witchy about her and I always like that. She's Folky, but she's also synthy, which is a nice touch and End Of Everything.finds her questing, as she always does, for fresh ways of expressing new pathways of self-expression for a pretty remarkable muse.

The first thing you'll probably notice about the record is its sleeve. It features an arresting shot of Birgy herself, naked as the day she was born, although she's clearly no longer a baby. It's an incredible and brave image, hovering somewhere between Egon Schiele art... and pornography frankly.

Anyway, that's an immediate talking point, but the record has any number of others. It's another stunning record that asks more questions than it answers, but I always love records that do that.

In short it's another winner. Birgy is one of the most treasurable talents we have. If you haven't discovered her yet, now's as good a time as any.

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