Sunday, June 9, 2024

Songs About People # 1,395 Maud Lewis


I was at a loss last night. Trying to find a film to watch, toying with watching one of the first two  Godfather films one more time. Instead I took a more leftfield path and learned about someone Idin't know about. The fim is Maudie, it stars Sally Hawkins an Ethan Hawke and is based on the life and work of the Canadian Outsider artist Maud Lewis. I reccomend it. 


  1. Strangely, I saw this a few months ago! Didn't know about it, or her, beforehand. I use Letterboxd to record films that I watch and they also have an annual challenge that I do. Watched this for a week on the disabled experience. It was definitely worth a watch.

  2. I found it quite affecting actually. Enjoyed it.
