Wednesday, June 12, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 197 Savak - Flavors of Paradise


SAVAK, Brooklyn's thirty or possibly forty something guitar renegades are back. With another fine album Flavors of Paradise which reminds me of similar favourite things to the favourite things their previous records reminded me of.

They're the kind of band that it's nice to have aound now that R.E.M. Mission of Burma and Sugar are no longer in their prime.  Because they do the things those bands did which thrilled you so back in the day.

Rock is going through a nice time right now. The Internet has democritised music in some ways. Take Spotify, the way I and most others I imagine consume music now.

It's a platform that gives and it takes away. While cutting off the income supply to musicians it encouges the listener to consume music in a much more engaged and proactive manner.

SAVAK I'm sure use the Internet proatively, To reach people they might not reach otherwise. To make friends and build their brand There's plenty of this happening on Flavors of Paradise. It reminds me of Document, vs or File Under Easy Listening. Crunchy, sparky alternative Guitar Rock. .

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