Monday, March 24, 2025

Song(s) of the Day # 4,042 Men I Trust


The seagulls are wheeling outside my window. It's a bright, spring day. The start of another working week. I'n listening to Equus Asinus, the latest album by Canadian Indie contenders Men I Trust. It  has an odd, slightly disconcerting sleeve. A plain, thim bespectatcled everyman ironing a shiry, presumably an office shirt. The life many of us are condemned to from the moment we enter the working environment.

Equus Asinus, reminds us, as the best music does thatwe are humans, first and foremost, and it behoves us not to forget it. It's a record of languid grace. Sad in its tone occasionally, it's not one that's liable to encourage you to jump up and down on your bed, but it's altogether well decked out and thoughtful and I commend it to you. It's forty five minutes well spent. Oh well. Must get ready for work. Breakfast awaits..

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