Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Song(s) of the Day # 4,043 Dutch Interior


Tuesday morning. Lessons planned. This gives me an hour with Moneyball. A record by a band from California with artistic sensibilities and apparent indecision about whether they wish to be Pavement or Grizzly Bear.Or the themselves. They strive manfully fir the optimum objective. 

They associations are inevitble but Dutch Interior make the best of them and they manage to plot a course of their own where there's plenty to interest the casual listener. Major chord changes. Introspection. Literary lyrics. Lots of air and light. Space.

Less preoccupation with being cleverer than thou or trying to be English like Malkmus and co. Not so oblique. Greater reflection. Less restlessness. As the album shifts on it becomes more uneasy. It sails a relatuvely steady path to its end destination. .


  1. A friend of mine mentioned these last week, so I gave it a go over the weekend. I rather liked it. Although, as you say, there was a tonal lift late on. I also played the Men I Trust album after your post yesterday and rather liked that, too! Had a very 60s film soundtrack vibe at times. Lovely stuff. My recent recommendations would include Eliza Niemi, Cross Record, Spring Onion and Olivia's World.

  2. They're both nice records. Fantastic Darren. New recommendations. Cheers !
