Thursday, December 14, 2017

Albums of the Year # 12 Courtney Barnett & Kurt Vile - Lotta Sea Lice

There's a moment on Blue Cheese, the seventh track on Courtney Barnett and Kurt Vile's album Lotta Sea Lice where Vile sings, 'Now I'm calling the cops on you,' and both he and Barnett harmonise, 'Nanny nanny poo poo. Knockin' you out...' It was one of my favourite musical moments of the whole year and a sign that this unexpected but somehow explicable alliance had worked. Just an example of two great, slacker musicians thoroughly enjoying themselves first and foremost. The rest will logically follow from that.

I wasn't sure when I first heard about the project. Barnett particularly is one of my very favourite artists, virtually a patron saint of this blog. My initial thought was that I would prefer an album from her and this only meant that I would have to wait longer for it. I was soon persuaded however. Lotta Sea Lice is the sound of two artists whose music and sensibilities complement each others' utterly. Laid-back, humorous, languid, but also rich in its laziness!

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