Monday, September 2, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,843 Laurie Anderson


Pop and Rock music can and does aspire to the status of high art. This is not a high faluting, pretentious  or nonsensical statement. The artist and musicians that I celebrate most highly on It Starts wish most to make that kind of splash. To be 'not just another drop in the ocean.'

Laurie Anderson almost had a Number One single in the UK with Oh Superman in 1981. A seven minute single so deeply unusual, prescient, unsettling and frankly moving that people are still talking about it and what it felt like coming out of daytime radio sandwiched between Spandau Ballet and Adam & The Ants.

Forty years and mire on her latest album Amelia is a celebration of a bygone age and a phenomenal bygone achievement that still inspires . Amelia Earhart's flighted circummavigation of the world in 1937. It's a serene and rather beautiful 35 minute ride. 

Captivating. Sublie. As with Oh Superman, Anderson's assured authoritative voice pilots the experience. You are passing the equator. Bobbing up and down in air streams. Surrender to the experience. June 8th Dakar. A wonderful start to my week. You can't beat artistic vision.  

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