Thursday, September 12, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 104 Sinai Vessel - I SING


                                                             'Victim of a leaking pen..'

Browsing through the playlists on a Saturday morning you can chance upon the shiniest catches, like gold glittering in a net trawl dragged aboard a fishing trawler in the early morning sunight. 

Reminders of Pavement, Elliott Smith and Beck. But this is I SING. The fourth album by Caleb Cordes out of Chicago going by the Nom De Plume Sinai Vessel, a great new personal discovery.

This is great post Nineties singer songwriting that deals with introversion and the universe. Two of the great modern Internet obsessions.

Sinai Vessel manage a great balancing act here. The songs here burrow inwards and gaze outwards. An incrediblbe balancing act which is incredibly sustained and never succumbs to self pity. This is an extrordinary record. 

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