Wednesday, September 11, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 105 Villagers - That Golden Time


Villagers have been a name I've been aware of for a while. I finally got round to listen to an album. Latest record That Golden Time. Living on the earth can be a slightly disquieting thing right now,  given the burning earth we are living on.

Politics and the changing planet cannot be totally ignored and avoided. We're experiencing a second Industrial Revolution and it can be frightening and disturbing. Music is often the best refuge or consolation.

Villagers pilot, Dublin's Conor O'Brien, has a distinctive voice. It may be marmite-ish, but I warmedyyo its humanity and enjoyed That Golden Time increasingly as it span. It's an eloquent poetic record, highly wordy and lyrical.

Mostly it was full of humanity and I appreciated its warmth and slightly sad wisdom. On the album cover there's's an image of a butterfly pinned. The ultimate contradiction. Midway through the record ther's a song where O'Brien slips into a vocal loop 'keep the dream alive...'. Poignant is a word I've been discussing with my students this week . It's an adjective which applies to this record. In spades.

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