Sunday, September 1, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,842 Emumclaw


Yeah Emumclaw. Emumclaw Rock !You probably have heard it elsewhere but if you haven't sit up and pay attention, Emumclaw are here to save Rock & Roll and not a moment too soon.

Of course I'm overstating the case. There are no end of absolutely terrific Rock & Roll bands around. Everywhere. But still. In a week when we are being told that Oasis are reforming for a mammoth cash in on their vastly overstated legacy it feels a relief on a Saturday afternoon to be listening to Emuclaw's  Home In Another Life. 

The record was in my Top Twenty album for the year with twenty munutes. Let me count the ways I love Emumclaw . The lead singer has that J Mascis 'I'm a snotty brat but kinda loveable' snarl. The band have clearly been reared on Sonic Youth records. Nothing wrong with that. In fact it should be prescribed.They also have that Replacements thing. The 'I drink far more than is probably good for me. But It's sometimes just fun' sctick. They have a track called I'm Scared I'll End Up Alone and another called I Still Feel Bad about Masturbation. That will all more than do. 

Emenclaw is a city in Washington State. But I'm never going to go there. Now it's just a band I want to listen to. Why not listen to this. You might concur.  They're bloody great,


  1. Thanks for the reminder! I've been following them since before the first album. Liked the new singles, but haven't heard the album yet. Will stick it on!

  2. I thought it was great Darren . The reminder of the bands I mentioned is very string. But I love that attitude.
