Saturday, September 7, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 109 Rose Hotel - Pawn Surrender


Sometimes it's a good idea to just follow a thread. This is the third Song Of The Day in a row from a list that Darren Jones sent me a few days back. I've come to trust his judgement and tastes. Here's another record worth cupping an ear to..

Rose Hotel is an Atlanta, Georgia based songer songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Jodran Reynolds and  a Pawn Surrender is her latest record. It's a warm immersive, emotive album that encourages surrender. I listened to it initially in a state of distraction trying to read something else. Eventually I found it demanded my full attention.

This is familiar territory musically. But sometimes we seek the familiar.  Rose Hotel is not a million mles from artists like Pearl Stone, Rosali and Liz Phair. this is a recommendation rather than a criticism. A warm, emotive recotd that presses for a greater sacrifice than a pawn surrender. 

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