Thursday, September 5, 2024

Duster - In Dreams


Duster seem to be becoming a bigger and bigger splash in the alternative lake. A quiet, and atmospheric trio from San Jose, California that have been fairly consistent regulars since the band formed in 1996.

They have an album  Stratosphere that achieved fairly solid cult status which I would expect to grow in the coming decades. They reformed a few years ago and are now released a new album In Dreams which I expect will only serve to consolidate their standing.

 Dreams is the apposite word here. Each song sounds like a dream of a different colour. There is range, mystery and depth that indicates it's an album that has staying power and will nag at you and encourage you to come back and try to work out what it is about the thing that makes you want to return to it. Like many of the best records. A question mark hangs.I've got a good feeling about this. I'll give it nine.  

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