Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,751 Bill MacKay


The kind of record and artist it's always a pleasure to come across. With some of the timeless quality of Tim Hardin, Nick Drake, Cat Stevens Richard Thompson, Tim Buckley or any of your own personal favourite singer songwriter's of times gone by ,

Bill McKay works out of Chicago although the textured murmurings of his latest album Locust Land, are much more pastiral and rural than urban in terms of the atmosphere they evoke.Bucolic. The primary distinctive quality and allure of the record seems to be its warmth and depth. 

Switching at will between instrumental pieces and songs that he sings, showcasing his thick timbred voice. An altogether charming and resonant abum to spend half an hour with, It's like coming upon a rare jewel. Fabelhaft!

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