Sunday, May 26, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,749 Southcult


The kind of highly generuc Shoegaze record that you hear all the time these days. Raised on a diet of Slowdive and Lush it se,s. Southcult find Heaven on a debut album called erm Heaven.

I find it rather odd that a scene that I remember very well and whuch was highly despised, certaunly by the music press at the time, has developed such a life of its own since. It's a strange phenomenon and I imagine would be worth writing about why and how  this happened.

In the meanwhile this is a likeable but not really notable six track EP. It will fill your life with generic awe and wonder or perhaps make you want to listen to Pale Saints wondrous Comforts Of Madness instead. I confess that's what I did. 

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