Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Mojo Collection - The Ultimate Music Companion # 619 Coldplay - A Rush of Blood To The Head


'Am I part of the cure. Or am I part of the disease...'

Music remains about context most of all. I bought a CD copy of Coldplay's A Rush of Blood To The Head from Empik in Katowice, Poland when it came out in 2002. I played it and liked it quite a bit. At this distance Coldplay are not really to my taste anymore. The next on the conveyor belt of stadium fillers.

But now I associate the record with one thing. A car ride from Katowice to Krakow and back in the company of one of the most powerful and beautiful women I've ever met and got to know. The Polish Debbie Harry. I listened to  it again just now and was with her again. Just thinking about it warms my bones. Context is all. Clocks starts, I'm back in the passenger seat and we're speeding bck into the Katowice city limits as the sun sets. I'll never forget that day. 

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