Monday, May 27, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,750 Bess Atwell


I'm listening to an album called Light Sleeper by an artist called Bess Arwell. The opening song of the recird  is called Evertone Who Iy Not In Love Wuth You is Wrong. It is an expression of beauty and positivity an strength. It is a great way to start the working week. 

Atwell stares at the camera on the sleeve of the record with a shy determination. I get the impression that she's a fighter. According to her bio she grew up on the English countrysidde, one of four children from an eclectic familly of artists, songwriters and artists.

Her bio tells of her story of struggle. Struggle is an important element of life's journey. Little of value seems to come without it. Light Sleeper is a recor worth listening to. We can be inspired by others struggle and ability to ascend to the surface of the lake and make their way to the shore. If others can do it so can we.  

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