Monday, September 4, 2017

Song(s) of the Day # 1,324 Grant McLennan

A small Go Betweens feature to mark my finishing Robert Forster's Grant & I memoir, (review coming up next). So here are two great songs from Grant McLennan's first solo album, 1991's Watershed.

1 comment:

  1. It's funny how some things stick with you. I still remember buying this album. I remember feeling different about this breakup than I did about the Smiths breakup. In this case, I was excited about getting a Robert album and a Grant album. And I thought about splicing them together to make a pretend Go-Betweens albums, although I never followed through. I wonder what it would sound like, though, if we were to mix up this album and Danger in the Past. I think it would make a pretty great GBs double album.
