Saturday, October 19, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,890 Dawes


What's the score George Dawes. No nothng to do with Jim Morrison. Or Shooting Stars fir that matter. Dawes are another Los Angeles band though frankly listening to their latest album Oh Brother, they could be from just about anywhere.It's a tight,contrilled and funky record from a couple of brothers Taylor and Griffin Goldsmith, their first for over a decade.

It's an earthy, thoughtful and notable record. Not one I see myself returning to. Its sincere and heartfelt but lacks the spark that would make me come back. What's the score George Dawes? It seems to work here.  I'd be tempted to give it a Pitchfork type grade, somewhere between 6 and 7. Though I'm essentially slightly mistrustful of the guiding procipal befind the Pitchfork guiding ethic, .


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