Friday, October 25, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 61 Jessica Pratt - Here In The Pitch


I've alwats had slight difficulties in writing about Los Angeles based singer-songwriter.Jessica Pratt on here. In an English context her name sounds strange and slightly unfortunate and there's no real skirting the issue.

Her music though is quite another matter. It's been consistently enchanting and spellbinding  down the years. Labelled Retro Pop in some quarters. An appropriate tag in this case. It trasnports you on gossamer wings to yesteryear.She's a talent with rare gifts.

 Latest album Here In The Pitchw was awarded on album of the month award in Uncut a coupe of issues back. It deserves such status and notice, It's a record that finds her refining her specific talents to wonderful effect. This is a special one,. She's a special one. One to watch the sun set to.

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