Monday, June 10, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,764 Girls In Synthesis


I was going to see Girls In Synthesis on Friday Night. Playing in Zerox with No Teeth on Newcastle Quayside. I decided against it. I'd been out the previous night at Lubber Fiend discovering a whole new world. Lifestyle, life and economuc decisions. You can't go to them all. You have to leave some things to the young.

So instead I'm listening to their latest album Sublimation on a Monday morning. As I prepare for the working day. I'm fortunate in that it doesn't feel like work and I'm looking forward to my lessons. I like what I do.And Sublimation makes a good soundtrack as I make my way towards 9.15.

It has a sheer cliff pictured in black and white on the album cover. It reminds me of how and why I devoured The Outsider and Nausea when I was 18. Why I was so ready for Crocodiles and Unknown Pleasures when I got there. Slightly after the actual event of their actual release.

This is a familiar record. It reminds me of all that edgy music that was around when I was a teenager. The Cure particularly. The Cure were great. 'Running towards nothing. Again and again....' Girls In Synthesis are a London based trio who have a similar itch they seem unable to scratch,  'Help ! I think I might be an existentialist....'

This is fed by the irritation and unease that being brought out in England still seem to bring out. Perhaps it's nothing to do with being English. Perhaps its an age thing. Or a mindset thing . In any case I'm slightly regretful that I didn't get to see them on Friday But I'm happy to have got to know them just now. 'Into the Trees...' 

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