Friday, June 28, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,779 Hayes Noble


It's fitting that I'm posting a review of a Placebo album today. In many ways this sounds like a cotemporary take on Placebo schtik. Hayes Noble sticks a petulant upper lip on As It Was, As It Were and wishes he was sharung a stage in Seattle at the dawn of the Nineties.

But the attiude reeks just as much Brian Molko as it does of Screaming Trees. It's a record that puts it's leg up on the speaker at the lip of the stage and howls into the void, determined to remain seventeen forever. Perhaps we all should. 


  1. Came across this the other day! Quite enjoyed it at the time, without feeling I wanted to go back. One of those albums.

  2. Think you might like The Drin,

  3. I do! Have got their last album, but only heard the singles from the new one. You've reminded me that I need to listen to the new one! Will rectify that today. I was listening to the new Alexei Shishkin album yesterday (his second of the year!). Well worth checking out!
