Saturday, June 15, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 194 Halo Maud - Celebrate


A young woman smiling in bliss under a silk veil. A record that combines childlike wonder with all the things that make French offbeat Pop such a delight. All these years down the line from France Galle, Francoise Harcy and Jaques Dutronc.

Halo Maud's Celebrate. A record that made me want to book a ticket on the Eurostar forthwith and get to Paris for its Springtime as the Easter break appriaches. It's a record that embraces naivety and abandon most immediately.

There's something distinctly elfin like about Halo's disposition. An evident debt to Bjork at her most unrestrained. Audry Hepburn in Funny Face. Amelie in Amelie also came to mind. Stereolab and Broadcast. Those eternal touchstones.

A lovely record anyhow. Always best to maintain an essntial innocence of youthful frisson. Qualities and attitudes that never pale. Celebrate indeed.  

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