Sunday, January 21, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,626 The American Analog Set


A young friend called me 'an old fossil' online yesterday afternoon. Naturally I acted outraged but secretly I think I was actually pleased. There are far worse things to be called. In fact I took it as an backhanded compliment. Whether or not it was actually meant that way or not.

I'm certainly a creature of habit if I'm anything. And that instinct is hardening within me over every passing year. This time of year is generally rather bleak and cold and January 2024 is no exception in that respe,t but this year is different with me at least in that this year I have come up with genuine resolutions for behaviour and attitudes which I am determined to maintain and am genuinely expecting positive outcomes from doing so.

I rise early make myself a cup of tea and maybe something basic to eat and take it to my desk at one of the large Georgian windows that decorate the front of my flat. I put a record I haven't heard or don't know that well on and listen to it and write about it as the sun makes its slow but steady rise in the heavens outside my windows.

This morning I'm listening to What are We Going To Tell Guy the latest record and return to the fray by stalwarts The American Analog Set after a long hiatus. They're not a band I'm hugely familiar with but this record tells you all you need to know. They come across as steady and durable and the kinds of fellows likely to pull their cars to the side of the road if they saw you hitching on a bleak evening and take you as far as was in their way towards your destination and more than likely you'd have a diverting and productive conversation while you drove.

I need to  keep going with this blog tomorrow so will be listening to a new record and writing about it then but I'm making another resolution right now; to listen to more American Analog Set this year. Because on the evidence of this they're truly terrific. For the time being they tick boxes that the durable likes of Wrens, Califone and Grandaddy have ticked for me previously. What's more this record came out just now so I can put them on my Albums of the Year playlist. Result!


  1. That was great! I had no idea they had a new record out. I did have one of their older albums (picked up secondhand, I think). I remember liking it, but not enough to survive one of my (regretted) CD culls in the early 2000s...

  2. That's a really good record. I was astonished. I remember you mentioning them. Wil investigate further.
