Friday, July 5, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,786 Loma


How Will I Live Without You A quite outstanding new album from Loma a trio on Sub Pop Records A record which I started listening to yesterday evening and was idly taken by initially and then began to draw me in completely as it ran its course until I was deeply taken by the time I did and promptly put it on again.

I'm indebted to Raymond Gorman, guitarist of That Petrol Emotion and a friend on Social Media for guiding me this way. The record's a slow burner but draw's you in like Ariadnne's thread tugging you towards the solution of a dilemma with every passing moment..

Loma are a thrieepiece with an intense gift of the kind that fans of Portishead. Radiohead and Broadcast might appreciate. Their songs have an intense stillness and poise that make How Will I Live Without You a deeply affecting ride. Turn off your mind. Relax....


  1. Glad you found this! I had my first listen yesterday, too, although I have liked their previous albums very much.

  2. Fantastic record. Not really aware of them previously.
