Sunday, July 28, 2024

500 Greatest Albums of the 1980s ... Ranked! # 298 Gang Of Four - Songs Of The Free


'Shoot, shoot. I need an order...' 

Entertainment will be the core cultural artefact when the Gang Of Four are concerned. What it was like to be a Marxist student before the arrival of Thatcherism and the consumerist and largely vacuous Eighties took hold. To pull your culture amd society apart and mount the barricade against encroaching Fascism and materialism.Much better than attendung your actually lessons

Songs Of The Free came at the point when you felt they wouldn't imnd being in the charts. It had its moments. Notably I Love a Man in Uniform at the outbreak of the Falklands War. Neither it or Songs Of The Free grazed the charts to any effects. Their moment had gone The critique remains impeccable. 

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