Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,811 Peace De Resitance


A weak gag. The band name I mean. A strong record,.Mose Brown of Institute goes solo once again for the second time with Lullabye For The Debris and uses the opportunity to indulge his inner Iggy.

Who can blame him. Part of Iggy's appeal, particuarly during his golden run from 1967 to 1980 was the fact that he was always something of a dork. Quite deliberately so. An idiot savant. And Brown follows suiet here to deranged effect.  

If you're looking for Iggy precedents for what's going on here.I'd go The Idiot and New Values.. The Ig influency is immediate and enduring here but I'm not complaining. Not enoigh people channel his influence to such good effect I'd say.

Artistic as Johnny Jewel always was. Urgent too. A fantastic set of songs. I've used this one before but if you've got a good line why not use it again. The most fun you can have with your close on. At least for this week.  .

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