Monday, July 1, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,782 Zan & The Winter Folk


New Morse Code, the latest record from Zan & The Winter Folk an ensemble from Troy, New York. Led by Zan Strumfeld who has a warm, enveloping voice.

This is an Autumnal record I' say. But there'sno rule dictating that we need to listen to Autumnal records in Autumn. This made a promising start to my day as I prepared to run my bath.

The Winter Folk pitch their tent somehwere between The Decemberists an The Handsome Family in The Americana Forest of Whimasy. This is music that wants to come across as inc;usive and consolation rather than being confrontational. . A record than calms the ship rather than wishing to rattle its masts..

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