Monday, July 1, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 178 The Decemberists - As It Was, So It Will Be Again


Sometimes Portland, Oregon Alternative collective The Decemberists grab me sometimes they don't. Sometimes their folk narratives seem a little contrived and sometimes they don't. I've taken an instant liking to their latest record As It Was, So It Will Be Again.

It jingles and jangles. It's warm and emotive. If The Decemberists take their emotional lead from anyone it's probably R.E.M. Anyone who reads this blog to any degree might have an idea of my fondness for R.E.M. This record feels as if it belongs somehwere on the R.E.M. family tree.

The songs of As It Were do not follow conventional roads. They twist and turn off into their own tracks, reel ocasionally, without ever losing their feet. Ot their  way. This is tasteful, middle of the road Alternitavia for cosy couples with 2.4 who would never dream of voting Trump, Johnson or any of this looney egomaniacs looking to tip our dear world off its axis into mania and end days.This is a record that makes you feel that you're home .

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