Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Song(s) of the Day # 3,486 Leah Senior


Australian Bedroom Pop and Spring-time Baroque Playfulness on Leah Senior's fourth album The Music That I Like. It's handy to have ready labels to apply, especially in these restless, frantic times. Given that these labels actually come from the artists' own Spotify bio I feel reasonably confident that I can use them here without offending anyone too much.

They don't quite do justice to how lovely this album was to actually listen to this morning, as the daylight collected between six and seven. I'm constantly reminded of how glad I am to write a blog like this and persevere with it when I come across records as special and giving as this one.

Senior's greatest gift is her voice, which has moments of Joni like purity that make you pause in appreciation on a constant basis as the record plays . The songs are augmented in a way that find a midway niche between Folk and Pop as the description above suggests.

Senior has supported the likes of Jeff Tweedy, Bedouine and Jessica Pratt and played the Festival Circuit for a number of years now. The Music That I Like should make her new friends. Me for starters.

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