Friday, February 11, 2022

Song(s) of the Day # 2,938 Partner Look


Hey, another cool band from Melbourne. Fanyc that. Partner Looks debut album By The Book finds the quartet in slightly quaint matching outfits and rocking a cool ringing guitar and organ sound with alternating male and female vocals that offers mmediate remnders of Feelies, Flying Nun, particularly Look Blue Go Purple, early Go Betweens and Talking Heads, Jonathan Richman.

This checklist already ticks most of my tick boxes. They transported me enchantingly back to the early days of the Dunedin and Athens, Georgia scenes..Even a whiff or the CBGB's, Postcard and Boston's original grime free art sound. A few of my favourite things.

By The Book easily maintains its course. These songs have a rather lovely childlike sensibility that it's pretty much impossible for anyone who was drawn to this kind of thing first time round not to be charmed by.  Every song maintains a delightful, minimalist drive.

Twelve utterly winning songs that arrive, groove and depart at about the three minute mark and certainly intrigue sufficiently to ensure that I'll be back for one to see how deep they go. It's all quite wonderfully feel good.

Parsnip and Goon Sax, are the contemporaries that come readily to mind. Early Courtney Barnett perhaps. Even a stripped down Rolling Blackpots Coastal Fever at points. Partner Look are utterly devoid of pretention. They know exactly who they are and exactly what they like. I can endorse this without reservation.

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