Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,818 Massimo Volume

 My favourite long running Post Rock, Math Rock, Noise Rock band from Bologna. EVAH ! I've been getting the feeling that I'd really like to visit Bologna for any number of reasons for a while now. And Massimo Volume's 2010 album Cattive Abbitudini is not the least of the reasons for this. 

Italian is such a magnificent, expressive, emotive language. We're talking Dante, Boccaccio and D'Annunzio here. Bassist and lyricist Ebidio Clementi intones rather than singing most of the time. Il lavaggio a seccio ti mangio il cuore.

The likes of Pitchfork are blind as to the beauty of bands like Massimo Volume. Which is one of the great failings of the like of Pitchfork I reckon. This is nuanced, literate alternative Rock (& Roll) music. Put down your Sonic Youth and Fall records for just a moment and bathe your senses in this wonderful sea of possibilitues. Sai Che has senso 

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