Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Fontaines D.C. - Romance


Fomtaines D.C. seem generally to be regarded as a band on the verge of breking out in a genuinely huge way. Mentioned in the same breath as Arctic Monkeys, Libertines, Pulp, Blur and, gasp Oasis. A trad-ish guitar, cigarettes and paperbacks proposition except that they have broader horizons than Oasis ever did. Didn't Liam mention The Lion The Witch & The Wardrobe as a formative influence

I took a while with their latest, Romance. The first three tracks were distinctly unppealling. Indie gruel. Grian Chatten lyrics are generally much more to my liking than his vocals. As someone once put it, ' I know you and you cannit sing.' But then singing well is hardly a requisite for Rock & Roll approval. Bob Dylan, Lu Reed, Neil Young. Shane McGowan.    

Eventually proceedings began to pick up. I have little doubt that this will continue to elevate Fontaines D.C.'s profile, prospects and bank balances though they're always likely be a proposition primarily for the estranged and apart. 

In the latest issue if Uncut the band sing the praise s of Bladrynner, Rumble Fish, Micky Rourke in general, My Own Private Idaho as well as Joyce.They're still struggling with themselves.Embroiled in their Irishness and their identity 

Anyhow, Romance is another good record. Chatten talks of dissonance in the Uncut article. An unease. It's more interesting I'd say than Bono plnating flags in an anplifier stack All power to their pointy disaffected elbows.   

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