Friday, June 7, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,761 Seasick Steve

The latest album from Seasick Steve may not be your immediate go to record on  a Friday morning when scouring new releases on the schedules. But you could do far worse. . Because A Trip A Fall Down On Your Knees  is deginitely worth cupping your ears to.

Opening song Move To The Country contains an immediately arresting sentiment ' 'Big Brother on yourmobile phone.' 'He knows when you're not around.' 'You've got to move out to the country. Leave your phones behind.' 'It's quiet out in the country. Time to get offline.' 'You're caught in the web of bad design.' 

I can go along with all these thoughts. They're interesting, pertinent and consoling thoughts for an age of fear. Seasick Steve was always an interesting character fom the moment he first began to establish a profile for himself in 2004. He clearly remains so.

He doesn't have any truck with 'The Man'. Why should any of us. His back to basics  R&B approach is as relevant now as it's ever been. Age is no longer the factor it's iften been. His head and heart are both in the right place. And this is a fine record. 

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