Saturday, August 24, 2019

Song(s) of the Day # 2,042 Fashion Brigade

Ella Einhorn, formerly of Scotland Yard Gospel re-emerges with an elegiac and plaintive new collaborative project under the banner of Fashion Brigade. Sounding like he's from Glasgow when actually he resides in Brooklyn, the album Fvck the Heartache, features contributions from Exene Cervenka, Frankie Cosmos, Shamir, Phosphorescent and myriad others.

It's poppy and celebratory catty then wistful by turn. Very much a record of 2019, it's a great listen. Somewhere between electro dance, baroque and indie with The Pogues making up the backing band. Taking the best part of ten years to complete, it's been time well spent. Much more cohesive that you'd suspect of an album featuring so many disparate contributors it sounds like the soundtrack to closing time at a New Year's Eve at the bar at the end of the world.

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