Brown Dog in the ring. La, la, la, la, la. Hardly in this case. Brown Dog are glummer , more introverted and contradicted than that. A record called I Thought I Was Gonna Dance with a road to nowhere on the picture on the sleeve and songs of melancholy and guarded hope on the record.
I can't tell you much more about the record or the band. I have a location. Berkely, California That wlll do. We're all citizens of the world regardless of how we might like to construct walls .I Thought I Was Gonna Dance doesn't choose to do so. Instead it heads oof on the road. Guitar strumming. Gentle backdrop. Invoherent mumbled lyrical sentiments.
Another fine album suggested by Darren Jones and enjoyed by me and forwarded to you on It Starts. There's sadness here. But also pride. Determination. Put that in your pope and smoke it this Wednesday. Thanks Darren.
* Not on YouTube, So no clips.
Wow, rare for anything not to be on YouTube now! Glad you liked it, though, Bruce. I had my first listen to it through headphones at the weekend. I rarely do that, it's mostly on a speaker in the kitchen, lounge or car. But it sounded so good on headphones, maybe I should do it more often! Immersive. Heard the new Flora Hibberd album the same way and can recommend it.