Friday, September 4, 2015

B Sides # 38 R.E.M.

B Side on the 12 inch version of So. Central Rain. Played to the backing track of Seven Chinese Brothers with Michael Stipe at his hokiest reading the liner notes of a gospel album called The Joy of Knowing Jesus by The Revelaires. Good title too. R.E.M had a great knack with titles in their early days.

Here are the notes themselves:

"THEY SING FROM THE HEART! How many times have you heard this tired,
time-worn statement said of some Gospel singing group, only to realize
quickly...that was just not so? Many times I'm certain, especially if you
have been around, in and a part of Gospel Music as long as I have. Now,
though, I can say without reservation...THE REVELAIRES SING FROM THE HEART!
I have not been moved very often by singing groups, but here is a combination
of sincere singers and piano accompaniment that can make me listen! Chill
bumps appear and I am frozen in the web they weave as they reveal their
innermost selves with the outpouring of their hearts extolling God's great
love with pure devotion and adoration.
"Reverend Bill Funderburk sings "He Cared That Much For Me"; Charles
Surratt introduces his own composition "On Calvary For Me"; "The Joy of
Knowing Jesus" is a song of pure delight featuring John Barbee; the pure
tenor quality of the voice of Harold Montgomery gives a special interpretation
to the grand old hymn "The Old Rugged Cross";...on and on the songs roll and
soon you are caught up in the sermon in each rendition as you come to feel
the devotion and dedication that is poured forth. Suddenly, you know they
are real, they mean it! "Let your light so shine..." could not be more
aptly applied as there shines a light from heaven on your heart through
their singing as you are showered with blessings. Rhonda Montgomery
exemplifies piano artistry. An accompanist that is truly an artist who
knows when to play and when not to play lest the spell be broken. That's
Rhonda! An artist!
"This album of Gospel songs can be the instrument to mend a broken heart
or to straighten out your life. You will be introduced to Jesus through
the sincere testimony in the songs of THE REVELAIRES. A must!"

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