Friday, August 2, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 146 Future Islands - People Who Aren't There Anymore


I've been playing Baltimore's Future Islands latest record People Who Aren't There Anymore on a fairly regular basis over the last couple of weeks. On my headphones. On my television while I've been preparing food.

Ir's alright. But it hasn't really stuck with me. It strikes me as accessible, slightly alternative Pop noise. The kind of thing someone of my slightly advancing years would risk a jig on the dancefloor late in the evening  to and try not to embarrass my children or nephews and nieces.

There's something vaguely oriental about it all. I couldn't put that into words. It's just the way it sounds. The way Japan albums were consiously structured and presented to make you think of the oriental.

It's a nice enough record. But like I said it doesn't really stick. Pop is like that sometimes. There are a couple of songs I'll put on playlists.

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