Tuesday, August 20, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 128 Yeah- Ming & the Rumours I Can't Have It All


Another band from the clearly blossoming  Oakland Califirnia music scene. Yeah- Ming & the Rumours I Can't Have It All is a quite lucious leftfield Pop album, somewhere between The early Beatles, the early Lovin' Spoonful  and the early Velvet Underground if they had abandoned any pretence of wanting to write seedy dirges about S&M, prostitution and mainlining heroin and sing songs about falling in love that their mothers might like instead. 

Let Mo Tucker sing half of their songs and Nico to sing the other half providing she made an effort to sing in tune under threat of packing her back off to Cologne otherwise an made her wonder whether she still had Federico Fellini's telephone number somewhere among her leather and syringes. 

This is an utterly charming, unpretentious record. Yeah Ming occasionally throws the F word in to show she's not to be messed with, even though she sounds as if she's really sweet as apple pie. The Rumours meanwhile play it straight, inhabiting a world where it's always 1965, which given the way the world has gone since, might not be exactly the worst idea.

Altogether this is a record and band that lays down its and their cards down right from the off. If you're won over the first track you'll be in love by the time Side B runs off unto its run out groove. Yea-Ming & the Rumours come on like Wes Anderton's wettest dream, This is an album that plays to uts own rules and instincts. I wish more people made records like this.  

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