Thursday, August 1, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 148 Elbow - AUDIO VERTIGO


'Memories. Like the corners of my mind. Misty watercolours m mories. Of the way we were.' 

Memories have always been important to me. In the words of Nick Cave at the top of this page 'Memory is what we are. Your very soul and your reason to be alive are tied up in memory.'

I agree with that. And think that memory becomes more important to us as we get older. As the realisation sets in that we have more road behind us than we do ahead of us. But people make a fundamental mistake about me and say that I dwell on and in the past too much. They're wrong. Fundamentally I'm a teacher and have been since I graduated.That's what I know. What I do.

My only profession really. Discount the manager and trainer bits. they both come from being a teacher which is what I'm best at. As a teacher, and essentially in service to my students first and foremost, I live in the present and plan for the future. I try to apply that approach to every other aspect of my life too. I think it pays dividends.

So, finally, in the fourth paragraph, I  get round to Elbow and their latest album AUDIO VERTIGO. It's their tenth in all. They've made it into double figures after almost thirty years as a band in the studio, the rehearsal room and on the road.  I've always had mixed feelings about this band and their avuncular leader and singer Guy Garvey. He seems to have an indulgent and sentimental tendency. These are not qualities  I tend to in music.

But AUDIO VERTIGO seems to me a return to what is best about both Garvey and his band of players. It avoids indulgence and sentimentality It embraces the kind of Prog I'm most prone to, its daring and risk taking and prunes off the pomposity and obscurity and endless noodly soloing I don't care for.

In short I think it's a great record with some wonderful lyrics and intriguing musical gambits. I don't know where Elbow stand in the scheme of things. Judging by their forthcoming tour they still hold their own and can still command decent venues. They're playing City Hall when they get to Newcastle my home town. The historic venue where Bowie, Roxy and Mott used to hold court back in the day when they were in their prime.

I won't go and see them. I don't have enough of an investment even though I really like the current record. Good luck to them anyhow. I've come round to them again. All power to their collective ....... I say. Taxi !!!

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