Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Songs Heard on the Radio # 71 Jon the Postman

Just heard this. Or at least the recorded version. All I could get on YouTube was this clip from the film about the Manchester Punk scene 24 Hour Party People. This is the guy who used to get up at the end of punk gigs at the end of the seventies and sing Louie Louie. RIP Jon the Postman! Here he is talking about the first moment he got onstage from his Wikipedia page.

"I think the Buzzcocks left the stage and the microphone was there and a little voice must have been calling 'This is your moment, Jon.' I've no idea to this day why I sang 'Louie Louie', the ultimate garage anthem from the 60s. And why I did it a cappella and changed all the lyrics apart from the actual chorus, I have no idea. I suppose it was my bid for immortality, one of those great bolts of inspiration.""For some reason it appeared to go down rather well. I suppose it was taking the punk ethos to the extreme – anyone can have a go. Before punk it was like you had to have a double degree in music. It was a liberation for someone like me who was totally unmusical but wanted to have a go."

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