Friday, March 14, 2025

Song(s) of the Day # 4,032 Frog


Here's a record that came out a few weeks ago and I listened to and liked but haven't written about. 1.000 Variations on Song by Frog. A duo of brothers from Rochelle, New York who seem to specilise in quirky Indie, Quirky in the respect that Modern Lovers, Feelies, Jad Fair or Shins were quirky.

The sound of the suburbs were  always odder than the sound of the city lets face it. Oddballs move to the city to find a set of other oddballs to hang out, be accepted and validated and form a band with, Make an exccentruc and artistic noise with. Oddballs in the suburbs can form bands too. But there's a sense that they can be band prone to squealing 'Eek, we're stuck here. Forever'

1.000 Variations on Song  is based on a concept. that of the title.During the rehearsal process for the album the band found they were churning out songs that were variations on the same template, decided to make a virtue of it and this is the reult. It's all rather charming and more-ish.

Frog also have something rather winning going for them. They sound nothing like Modern Lovers, Feelies, Jad Fair  or Shins. Or Pavement for that matter . If I wa spressed to describe them I'd say they souded a bit like Curtis Mayfield meets nutty Seventies Pop Radio. Andrew Gold. It's all rather. disarming and engaging frankly,  

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