Sunday, March 2, 2025

Song(s) of the Day # 4,020 Cloakroom

Cloakroom. Good name for a band.  Last Leg of the Table. Good name for an album. Good minimal cover. In the tradition of Factory Records perhaps or Magazine's The Correct Use of Soap. And it's a very good record too. One that uses the excellent term 'stoner emo' to decribe a sound that slips across genres at will. A very good start to March on It Starts after a brief cul de sac flirtation with The Stylistics and memories of my distant youth yesrerday morning.

This is by turns introvered then quietly explosive. The vocals are muffled. The guitars are distorted. It's a pot coming to the boil. Simmering. Sometimes the ones that stare at their trainers are the ones to watch. Cloakroom come from Michigan City Indiana and make it sound like somewhere you need to go. This was recorded at Steve Albini's Electrical Studios in Chicago. Put your coat in the cloakroom. Take a seat in the living room and take a listen to this. It burns with a quiet melodic, intensity. 


  1. Yeah, this is rather good, Bruce. Came across it late on Friday. Thought it was going to be too heavy at first, but something about it kept me listening. Had it on again today after reading your post. It bears repeating.

    1. No I think this is a good record. Thanks for the nudge towards Mirrored Daughters Darren . Great stuff too !
