Thursday, March 13, 2025

500 Greatest Albums of the 1980s ... Ranked! # 71 Mary Margaret O'Hara - Miss America.


Way back in the msts of time. You know. The Eighties. The Middle Ages . Before the Internet. There was a lady called Mary Margaret O'Hara . She walked through the mists of time. Up to the mic. And charmed the artistically inclined Boho types who didn't look to George Michael, Freddie Mercury or Stock, Aitken & Waterman for sustainance..People who read books.

Jonathan Ross was charmed. And invited her onto his show to babble and trill. Morrissey was slain and asked her to wibble on November Spawned a Monster. I thought she was triff and listened to my sister's copy of the record. A lot,. She soon disappeared back into the mists if time. She understood mystery and the importance of it. More David Lynch than David Lynch.

Almost forty years on the album sounds very state of the art and polished in terms of the production. It's a showcase. But the emotions are real. There's a reason why blokes in their teens fall for girls like these. Miss America. is an exquisite record that deserves all of the attention it's enjoyed down the years.


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