Monday, August 12, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,824 MaidaVale


I'm more than halfway through my summer sojourn. Back with my parents in Canterbury. Working at the language school down the road. The stint there is done now and my thoughts are shifting towards a secondary school reunion and then returning to my home in Newcastle and my desk and routine there. Less than a month now.

I'm listening to MaidaVale a Swedish Psych collective. Their latest album Sun Dog. It's feisty, determined stuff. Psychedelic Glam to my ears. Somewhere between Los Angeles in 1967 and Birmingham in 1973.That's Birmingham in the English Midlands. Not Birmingham, Alabama. 

MaidaVale remind me of the past. They're also somewhat akin to a Viking longboat, making its way to the Northumberland shore in days of yore, the members of  MaidaVale stood at the prow, wearing menacing horned hats and scowling.

If Sun Dog reminds me of anything contemporary it's probably Mattiel. Atlanta, Georgia's finest. That's a nice comparison. The reminder akes me like MaidaVale more. They're playing at The Lubber Fiend in Toon at the end of October. I'll try to pop along. In the meantime, this will do.

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