Thursday, July 18, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,799 Sad Eyed Beatniks


In the words of Nilsson 'Thursday's such a crazy, lazy day.'  I love Thursday's. The end is in sight But unlike Harry I'm going to work today.

Having done my ablutions, what better way to prepare my way than make my way through Sad Eyed Beatniks Ten Brocades, A heady mix of Velvet Underground meets early Felt.

Sad Eyed Beatniks are out of San Francisco whuch seems to be the global capital of this kind of lip Indie ennui these days.

The dreamchild of K.Linn it seems this us hardly an original vision. It wanders paths laid don forty years or more but in the words of Luddites plying their trade since the Industrial Revolution 'If It ain't broke don't fix it. A charming, wan ride. 

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