Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,797 Liana Flores


                                                             'If we shadows have offended,

                                                             Think but this an all is mended,

                                                             That you have but slumbered here.

                                                             While these shadows did appear.'

Liana Flores was born in East Anglia of Beazilian stock. Her debut album Flower Of The Soul is proper throwback stuff. To the likes of late Sixtues and early Seventies elfin types like Pentangle, Vashti Bunyan and Brdget St John but also to the Jazzy traitions theydrew on and beyond that to the times when people really believed in Fairy folk.

This won't be for everyone. The Uncut review reasonably incited Phoebe from Friends as a reference point for some of the lyrical flights of fancy here. It certainly flirts with extreme preciousness.

But somehow the sheer beauty on show prevails.Flores venerates Antonio Carlos Jobin and sometimes it pays to kneel at the knees of the greats. This is a wonderful record to listen to as the sun rises on a Tuesday morning. Nice ! 

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